
Flying Termites Singapore

Flying Termites Singapore

Flying termites have supposedly been nibbling away at the wood on the earth for at least 100 million years, and in Singapore at least, all the signs indicate that these flying termites don’t look as though they have any intention of moving on from commercial or residential buildings. They love warm and damp areas and are commonly found around fluorescent lights or any light source. With Singapore’s sunshine and warm climate, the city is affected by huge quantities of these subterranean termites which lay wreck to the infrastructure. They love wood and damp areas to lay their eggs. Singapore’s moist, humid temperature provides an ideal breeding ground in their property for a termite infestation.

So, if you have signs of flying termites in your home getting ready to launch a new colony or termite infestation you need to get rid of them as flying insect swarms are a serious warning sign of potential damage for homeowners. Once the queen termite searches for areas to lay eggs, she is capable of laying over 30,000 eggs a day. So, at that rate, you could have a thriving colony of drywood termites under your house and over the course of two or three years, those termites with wings will be in your home, causing mass destruction by silently eating away at your property.

With a DIY flying termite pest control treatment, you can rid yourself of these termite infestations with a non-toxic spray or, call a pest control professional such as Termite Specialist Pte Ltd. Termite Specialist Staff able to give a non-obligation consultation.

If you find insects in your home or multiple termites such as subterranean termites, drywood termites, or around your property, this may indicate an ongoing termite infestation, which can be pretty bad news.

The discovery of winged termites or discarded wings inside a home almost always indicates an infestation warranting treatment. And in most cases, ridding a home of termites is a job for a professional.

What Do Flying Termites Look Like?

To get rid of flying termites swarming around your home, you need to know what they look like, as they look very similar to ants.

Flying or winged termites are the most common termites and are also known as swarmer’s or alates. And depending on the species, termite’s infestation can range in size from 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch which are at the reproductive stage of the insect. Also known as alates or reproductive stage termites, flying male and female alates emerge from existing colonies to mate and form new nests and colonies elsewhere.

flying termites singapore, Flying Termites Singapore

Flying termites differ in appearance from other flying insects, including flying ants with wings, who differ in shape and colour, as flying ants have narrow, or pinched, waists and bent antennae. Swarming carpenter ants, in particular, are most often mistaken for termites.

  • They appear in a range of colours depending on the species.
  • Generally, flying termites appear in the same beige/tan colour as the other termite castes.
  • Flying termites have two antennae which are often straight with a slight curve (whereas ant antennae bend at 90-degree angles) and have four wings that are equal in length and white and translucent in colour with a veiny appearance. Ants, however, have large forewings.

Types of Flying Termites

Flying termites are visible when their colony swarms. Swarms are provoked by heavy rainfall and warm, humid temperatures. As long as the termites’ colony is active, the termite dark brown workers feeding on wood may create costly damage to property and any damp areas. Swarms occur when established colonies produce winged male and female termites in order to reproduce. In the spring months, these pairs of male and female reproductive termites fly to find a safe place to start a new colony.
termite swarmers

Subterranean termites with wings are the most common type of flying termites and like to live in moist places – they make their nests in rotten wood as it’s easier for them to digest. These winged termites tunnel through the wood and make colonies that take about three to six years to mature to the point when the colony produces alates. Winged termites may be the king or queen of a colony – or a swarmer (alate) who then creates a new termite colony.

Drywood termites with wings, however, live in smaller colonies of about 1,000 and live in complete pieces of wood such as furniture, wooden frames, cabinets & wooden floorings. If you see termites in your house, check out your furniture, and any other damage to your home where winged termite activity could be taking place.

Dampwood termites however prefer the damp, moist timber of outdoor areas, such as at parks and gardens where rotting wood and damp wood can be found.
Termites will usually begin swarming in the first quarter of the year when there is plenty of rain and climbing temperatures, and humidity levels begin to rise.

Flying Termites Prevention

Do not let flying termites enter your home undetected. When you start to see termites flying around the light’s, this indicate that they are trying to build a colony inside your home. During the swarming season, make sure to close all your windows or you can also install mesh screens over any gaps, windows, or doors to keep insects from coming inside through these areas.

Termite Protection

To protect your home from flying termite damage, it is always recommended to conduct regular inspections of your home, examining for termite potential area, water leakage, foundations, wood rot, and wooden frames where termites with wings could breed.

Outside your home, it is always important to check tree stumps, mud tubes, windowsills, and door frames.

Flying termites could be anywhere. If you have swarms of alates outside your house, call Termite Specialist immediately for termite treatment.

DIY Home Termite Treatment

If you do find a pest infestation, and you’re feeling brave, you may be able to tackle the termites alone. But homemade DIY methods rarely work.

There are many termites and flying ant DIY measures that exist, and include termite bait stations lined with poisonous food, liquid repellents, orange oil which is sprayed on the termite colonies. However, these solutions are not always 100% effective and can end up more costly in the long run & more termite infestation.

So, the best solution to eliminate any pest infestation is to call Termite Specialist who provides effective termite treatment to prevent future episodes of termite infestation.

How to Get Rid of Flying Termites

flying termites singapore, Flying Termites Singapore

The most efficient and assured way to get rid of flying termites is to engage professional services such as Termite Specialist who offers highly trained and certified technicians who can deal with any termites you might be coming across.

Most effective pest control treatments contain chemicals, it’s imperative that you use the assistance of a licensed pest specialist who can ensure that pesticides are used properly in your home for termites with wings. There are a few types of termites’ treatment and pest preventions including drillings, pumps, or combining treatments that can be used for extensive termite treatment by termite specialists. Using the correct pesticide will help remove the queen from the colony’s nest which not only completely removes the termite infestation, but also prevents further infestation from insects.

With experienced termite specialist services, you’ll know that the problem will be completely eradicated and that preventive measures will be taken to ensure that there are no recurring problems. Many of these services offer scheduled maintenance packages, including regular inspection services of your home. With these professionals, their strategically designed methods combine the most advanced technology with a customized plan, which ensures that the pests stay permanently out of your home.

Termite Specialist, Singapore’s number one company for complete cost-effective termite and pest control also offer integrated plans that can protect your entire house.

Termite Specialist Pte Ltd protect your properties free from all termites, so don’t hesitate to Contact us for termite inspection or termite treatment.

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